Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Wiring issues persist

Wiring for the weary hearted

Working with the design and putting it into code is one thing, but to actually connect it all and ensure it works is another.

Key things when we are wiring this system together:

  1. Keep the GND or ground common always between all devices
  2. Use the right gauge wire between the heaver loaded items (more amps = thicker gauge)
  3. Purchase a few spare knock off Arduino Mega - your gonna blow a few... trust me.  The magical fairy of blue smoke will come and visit you often.

Currently as of 7/1/2015 the design calls for

  • Arduino nano in each foot (nothing is in the center foot just due to lack of path to the foot shell from the body.
  • There is a cable that connects the nano A4 and A5 (SCL SDA or I2C) through the leg into the body and connecting to the SHADOW main controller or Arduino Mega or DUE,
Learn more about I2C here working with Arduinos:

Purchasing a DUPONT cable kit allowed me to create ends either MALE or FEMALE on each wire that ran from the body to the feet.

The kits run for $12 per and come with 1P - 6P connectors (housings) and both male as well as female ends.

You will need a proper crimper for these devices... you can purchase a good crimper for roughly $20 on ebay or amazon.

Currently because I am using a nano screw terminal sled connected to each nano I only needed to create connectors on one end of the long run from the foot to the body.

Because a majority of the connectors I will be interfacing with are MALE into the boards, I made the ends into FEMALEs.

I also needed a I2C hub of some fashion because of the amount of devices chattering across the lines.

Currently the device count is at 7 where the following is using I2C to communicate.
2 x Compass [Magtometers]
3 x arduino nano (PING Sensor units and PIR sensors)
1 x arduino mega (SHADOW main)
1 x arduino uno (EasyVR Voice recognition)
1 x marcduino (custom automation board for panel controls and sound)
1 x SD card reader unit
total: 10 items chatting....

Found these to be useful, low on stock I purchased 2 but only 1 arrived so far.

I2C Hub on Amazon

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