Saturday, May 2, 2015

Assembling the body and applying the skins

I will not hold back - this sucked!

The skins were from an older run on the forums and I didnt realize they were a little off to these newer frames... I started with each layer applying the back first, and then aligning it using Painters tape, applying Glue and then moving on...

Re verified clearance on the front skin with the arms..

The back skin is on and ready to tackle the second layer of skins...

This proved to be more difficult than not... leaving the tape on didnt help me as I thought it would.

I reverted to using long rubber bands to hold the skin in place while I applied glue to sections...
This took a long time.

Slow and steady... notice I removed the sections that would be doors.

Ok its dry and connected...

Now for the leftside door... this was harder than I thought as well... the hinge didn't have enough clearance as I used hot glue to temporarily connect it.

Look at this mess!  Sanding and filing...

Ok looks like a close to complete door... now for the rightside

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