Saturday, January 31, 2015

Leg to Body Hubs - Taking a break from Sanding/Filing

Hub work

I think I was fighting the flu this week so very slow progress...So after working all week on sanding, filling and then filing the edges.. still not happy that it doesn't look like one complete part, I will keep plugging away at it.

Here is a part before filing the edges down and sanding...

Here is the same part after filing the edges down...
Lots of work this is...
So onto the hubs
Had to purchase an assortment of hardware including nuts, washers and flat head bolts.
As I dry fitted the assembly of the first hub, I noticed I needed to work from the inside out and needed to add washers, nuts on the inside as I went.  I glued the ribs into place after dry fitting by simply pouring the Weld-on 4 into the openings on the top and letting it run into the joints and meld that way.

Adding the second inner set I lowered them below where the ribs would connect to the second half of the hub assembly... seen here.
And here... reversed the NUT > WASHER >

Now I added the second half and began to glue the pieces together.
Note the ribs some of these are above the outer sides and will need to be filed down a bit to allow the outer skin to connect correctly via glue.
Added the second set of bolts (the outer ones) and started applying the nuts and washers to each similar to how I did the inner ones. 
NOTE: The inside bolts (closest to the center are for the connect to the LEGS, where the outer ones are for connecting to the frame/body.


I applied the glue before completing the outer bolt installation, This allowed the 2 pieces to be completely connected before going any further.

Here is a great side view of how the bolts, washers and nuts look inside.  This will be covered with the outer skin once I am done...

First outer bolt installed

I took the liberty and sanded down the overlapping ribs and verified clearance.
All bolts are installed.

Found some more ribs hanging out and filed those down as well.

I began taping the outer skin onto the hub and applied glue on the ribs and outer shells to begin attaching the skin to the hub.
This started making a very large mess...

Now it sits and waits for the hub to dry.  I got both completed pretty quick.

Now to dry fit them to the frame and legs to see how it looks.
Frank did mark the hubs with 1 small hole for the right arm and 2 holes for the left arms...  Lets see if I followed directions.

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